Choosing Deats is the “Standard for Healthy Living”
The time will come when it will be called so.
It’s not meat or fish.
Why don’t you experience a new taste?
Choosing Deats is the “Standard for Healthy Living”
The time will come when it will be called so. It’s not meat or fish.
Why don’t you experience a new taste?

Baked or deep-fried, Deats can be
enjoyed on any menu.
Deats can be enjoyed on any menu.
Deats is the third choice after meat and fish.
Deats is a next-generation food company that combines “tradition” and “technology” using soybeans (okara) and konjac as ingredients.
Deats is a next-generation sustainable food that combines “tradition” and “technology. Deats is a next-generation sustainable food product that combines tradition and technology.
By using food residues such as okara, Deats contributes to the reduction of food loss and is an environmentally friendly healthy food.
We aim to make it a standard food for the coming age as a healthy food that contributes to the reduction of food loss and is environmentally friendly.
We aim to become the standard food of the future.

LINE UPProduct Lineup
By developing a series of products, Deats can be served for a variety of purposes.

SDGsOur Approach to SDGs
The Sustainable Development Goals (commonly known as SDGs) agreed to at the UN Summit set forth 17 goals to make the world a better place by 2030. We aim to contribute to all the themes of the SDGs through our “products,” “processes,” and “people.
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